Le Corbusier | The artist – available prints at PLACART
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Le Corbusier’s prints

Le Cor­bu­si­er alre­a­dy pro­du­ced his first gra­phic work in 1916 in La Chaux-de-Fonds: “La fon­taine de la gran­de pitié et de la gran­de ten­ta­ti­on à Bien­ne”. It was the begin­ning of a pro­duc­tion of gra­phics that final­ly would com­pri­se about 200 most­ly hand-signed works – from that time on, until his death in 1965, LC was vir­tual­ly con­stant­ly invol­ved with crea­ting litho­graphs, engra­vings, and etchings, prin­ted by the mas­ters of his time. 

Exci­ted about making his artis­tic work known to a broa­der public in this way, LC here took up all the the­mes and motifs that had fasci­na­ted him in his search for a syn­the­sis of form. Thus, the gra­phics are an inte­gral part of Le Corbusier’s artis­tic oeu­vre, which was as much the source as it was the pre­re­qui­si­te for his architecture.

Available Litho­graphs by Le Corbusier


Available Pos­ters by Le Corbusier

Artist Pos­ters

Available Intagli­os by Le Corbusier


Available Aqua­tints by LC from «Unité»


Available Rho­do­ids by Le Corbusier


Available Litho­graphs from «Le poè­me de l’angle droit»

«Le Poè­me de l’ang­le droit»