Le Corbusier | The artist – available lithographs
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Le Corbusier’s lithographs from 1938 on

By the end of the 1940s, Le Cor­bu­si­er had pro­du­ced, or rather had prin­ted, about twen­ty works, the later ones in 1938 prin­ted by the litho­grapher Fer­nand Mour­lot. At this point, Téria­de, the publisher of his “Le poé­me de l’angle droit”, encou­ra­ged him to devo­te hims­elf more to litho­gra­phy. This rein­forced LC in his deter­mi­na­ti­on to make his artis­tic work known to a broa­der public


The plan alre­a­dy star­ted evol­ving in the cour­se of World War II: in the cour­se of the deve­lo­p­ment of the Modul­or, his sys­tem of pro­por­ti­ons, LC reco­gni­zed the didac­tic poten­ti­al of cor­re­la­ting gra­phics. He was very much attrac­ted to the idea of fin­ding ano­ther medi­um, besides

his books and count­less essays, through which to popu­la­ri­ze his own ide­as and con­vic­tions and at the same time to increase his visi­bi­li­ty as an artist. Inde­ed, years later, with his sen­se of a mis­si­on, he wro­te to Mour­lot that gra­phics were “à dis­po­si­ti­on des gens intel­li­gents et pau­vres (!) qui serai­ent ravis de pay­er très bon mar­c­hè un mural de papier à punai­ser sur leurs murs”.


At the end of the 1950s, he beca­me acquain­ted with Hei­di Weber, a nati­ve of Basel living in Zurich. Impres­sed by his artis­tic work, Weber work­ed on making his artis­tic oeu­vre more wide­ly known, and also atten­ded to having fur­ther edi­ti­ons of his works prin­ted as well as to the prin­ting of new graphics.