The gallerist - Le Corbusier | The artist
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The gallerist

Tomas Rab­a­ra spe­cia­li­zes in the artis­tic work of Le Cor­bu­si­er and devo­ted – tog­e­ther with his wife Karin – the first exhi­bit, “Le Cor­bu­si­er – Bau­meis­ter des Inte­ri­eurs” (Le Cor­bu­si­er – Mas­ter Buil­der of Inte­ri­ors) in 2010, to the sub­ject. Other shows fol­lo­wed, such as “Bau­en auf Kunst – Druck­gra­phi­ken Le Cor­bu­si­ers auf fünf Jahr­zehn­ten” (Buil­ding on Art – Five Deca­des of Le Corbusier’s Prints) in the Archi­tek­tur­fo­rum Zurich or “Le Cor­bu­si­er – der Künst­ler” (Le Cor­bu­si­er – the Artist), in the con­text of which Karin and Tomas Rab­a­ra were able to pre­sent the who­le ran­ge of Le Corbusier’s oeu­vre – from gra­phics, to dra­wings and col­la­ges, to his tapestries and an oil pain­ting. Fur­ther­mo­re, at the art fair Design+Design in Kunst­haus Zurich, the cou­ple acquain­ted the public with Le Corbusier’s artist posters. 


Karin Rab­a­ra, ori­gi­nal­ly an archi­tect, was a pro­fes­sio­nal assistant at the Cent­re Le Cor­bu­si­er in Zurich for two years, whe­re she gai­ned an uner­ring feel for LC’s work. Spark­ed by the enthu­si­asm of his wife, Tomas Rab­a­ra, a jour­na­list by pro­fes­si­on, published a cata­lo­gue of the gra­phic work of Le Cor­bu­si­er that sur­pas­ses all pre­vious publi­ca­ti­ons through its wealth of infor­ma­ti­on based on his exten­si­ve research. 


Thanks to his many years of focus upon Le Corbusier’s artis­tic work and to his excel­lent cont­acts, Tomas Rab­a­ra has a pro­found know­ledge of the mar­ket. He also have a gre­at store of gra­phics available at the Gal­lery Pla­cart in Zurich at all times that is unpar­al­le­led elsewhere. 


It is a gre­at plea­su­re for him to be able to advi­se you in your sel­ec­tion of one of Le Corbusier’s works. 


© Jean­nette Vogel, 2014

Tomas & Karin Rabara
© Jean­nette Vogel, 2014


At the fair Design+Design 2014
in the main lec­tu­re hall of the Kunst­haus Zurich


Exhi­bi­ti­on 2013: “Buil­ding on Art –
Five Deca­des of Le Corbusier’s Prints”

in the Archi­tek­tur­fo­rum Zurich