Catalog - Le Corbusier | The artist
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Catalog «Building on art – Graphic Works by Le Corbusier over Fifty Years»

On the occa­si­on of our exhi­bit in the spring of 2013 at the Archi­tek­tur­fo­rum Zurich, we published a cata­lo­gue that for the first time gives an over­view of LCs com­ple­te gra­phic work over the years from 1916 to 1965. Fur­ther­mo­re, on the basis of con­cre­te examp­les, the cata­lo­gue offers infor­ma­ti­on on which prints were issued in mul­ti­ple edi­ti­ons and some­ti­mes reprin­ted posthumously.

96 pages
Page for­mat: 21 x 14,8 cm
Lan­guage: German
ISBN: 978–3‑033–03924‑7
Pri­ce: sold out